Sustainable Innovation Forum

Smartenergy is Industry Partner of the event.

The Sustainable Innovation Forum 2022 will run alongside COP27 in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt, on November 9th to 11th, convening heads of state, ministers, CEO’s, investors, UN and multilateral dignitaries, in a large multi stakeholder event. With a focus on adaptation, mitigation and implementation, the Sustainable Innovation Forum will:

  • provide a collaborative platform for governments, business, investors, cities, regions and civil society
  • push for stronger, more decisive national action plans with clear and consistent strategies and roadmaps
  • forge cross-sector partnerships to shift action out of silos and leverage ambitious, collaborative global effort
  • spotlight effective business action and innovative climate solutions that will enable us to deliver on the SDGs

Smartenergy is Industry Partner of the event.

To find out in which other events we can meet next, please click here.

For further information, please visit the event’s website.

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