Italia Solare 2022

Smartenergy is Platinum Sponsor of the event.

The 2022 edition of the ITALIA SOLARE Forum (Roma, December 1st and 2ndis set in a particularly complex and, at the same time, very challenging economic and geopolitical context. Today we are faced with the need to define new balances for energy supplies and identify immediate and structural solutions to high energy prices.

The 7th edition of the ITALIA SOLARE Forum will address, with institutional actors and operators in the sector, the issues that today represent the priorities of the national and international political agenda with the aim of highlighting the potential of solar photovoltaics as a prominent player in the path to a solution to the high cost of energy.

Smartenergy is Platinum Sponsor of the event.

To find out in which other events we can meet next, please click here.

For further information, please visit the event’s website.

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