European Hydrogen Week and Flagship Expo

Smartenergy is Gold Sponsor of the event.

European Hydrogen Week and Flagship Expo address global, European, and national H2 market developments and gather high-level policymakers, C-level industry representatives, and experts across the hydrogen value chain on the place. As stated in its website, “by bringing together the brightest minds in the industry, we can inspire collaboration possibilities to find the best approaches toward a carbon-neutral economy”. Alongside hundreds of industry experts from all over the world, the programme will tackle some of the most pivotal topics in the energy sector.

It will be a pleasure to meet you on October 24th to 28th in Brussels. Smartenergy will be Gold Sponsor of the event.

To find out in which other events we can meet next, please click here.

For further information on the European Hydrogen Week and Flagship Expo, please visit its website.

let's talk